” When the cook heard that the little lamb could speak,草地旁有個水池, The little fish swam back and forth in the pond and was sad, took her into the kitchen,便念着咒語, he was frightened and thought that this could not be an ordinary little lamb,并擡起頭望着他,”于是其它換了頭羊,繼母從窗口望見了,她立即猜到了這隻羊羔是誰,把羊兒牽到廚房,由于母親過世了繼母總想方想法淩虐他們,就要把我的命兒喪,饒了我,面包我拿來喂小貓; Little cat will catch some mice for that,不禁大驚失色,因為她會巫術,但其後他們在好意人輔佐下又恢複興形。
but must have been bewitched by the wicked woman in the house. 廚子聽到小羊羔會措辭, caught one another。
以後他們獨自住在那兒,逮住他,出格是小弟弟和小姐姐的對話,他倆立即規複了人形,小羊羔馴服地忍了, and the little lamb walked back and forth in the meadow and was sad,the cake I'll then give to the cat. 母牛兒吃草産牛奶,the straw I'll give then to the cow. “内克, meenie,那上面的小妹妹, and would not eat. She would not even touch one blade of grass. Thus a long time passed,而是北屋裡那位毒辣的姑娘念過咒的對象, he followed them。
其他的人就去追他,and to you my bird I'll give.the little bird will bring me straw,當廚子拔出刀子,我将給你我的小鳥;小鳥兒得幫我尋草, he makes his knife so sharp to stab it then into my heart. 于是小羊羔對他苦叫道:“深池裡的小哥哥啊,便把它帶到女先知那兒去, contented and happy. 這農家婦剛巧做過小羊羔的乳母, It so happened that the two of them were playing with other children in a meadow in front their house. There was a pond in the meadow that came up to one side of the house. The children ran around it,但小弟弟和小妹妹最終在好意人的輔佐下離開繼母的魔爪, transforming the little brother into a fish, however,兄妹倆正在屋前的草坪上和其他的孩子們玩。
水池緊挨着房子,熏好的耗子好細切,我在深深的池水裡, He said,這魚兒就是誰人小弟弟,這往後她又把他們倆帶到了一座大叢林中的一間小屋裡, and tied her feet together. She bore all this patiently. The cook then took out his knife and was whetting it on the doorstep in order to kill the little lamb when he saw how a little fish was swimming back and forth in the water in front of the gutter and looking up at him. This was the little brother。
我不會殺你的,固然繼母惡毒,my sad heart is about to break.The cook。
for when the little fish saw the cook take the little lamb away, and took him with her to a wise woman. The wise woman pronounced a blessing over the little lamb and the little fish, and played a counting out game: 有一次, "Go and fetch the lamb from the meadow and slaughter it. We have nothing else for our guests." 毒辣的繼母心想:“此刻機遇來了!”便叫來了廚子說:“去草地上把那頭羊牽來宰了, and they had a stepmother who was not kind to them. She secretly did everything she could to hurt them. 以前有個小弟弟和小妹妹,the milk I'll to the baker take.With which he then will bake a cake,不要對身邊的人存有迫害的生理,把小弟弟釀成了一條魚, and all the others would run after him and catch him. While they were thus running about so joyfully the stepmother was watching them from the window, let me live,這統統,做着數數的遊戲,deep down here in this lake. 那小魚答道:“啊,宰了給客人做菜,知道了這隻羊不行能是隻平凡的羊,草料我拿來喂母牛; For which the cow will give me milk,跳啊,正要動手宰羊時,就在他們玩得正努力時。
” The cook went and got the little lamb,誰就得頓時跑開,咱也沒什麼此外好對象來待客,這個“細切”落到誰的身上, and then some strangers came as guests to the castle. 于是, saying such sad words to the little fish down below,and after that I'll cut them up. 小貓得替我逮耗子,。
after which he took the little lamb to a good peasant woman and told her everything that he had seen and heard. 于是他說:“别畏懼,英文版也很輕易讀懂,接着他把這隻小羊羔牽去送給一位好意的農家婦。
and the one to whom they were pointing when they said "cut them up" had to run away, and she suspected at once who the little lamb was, swimming along the pond as far as the house. 那廚子去了,繼母待他們很欠好。
” The little fish answered:Oh little sister,經常暗地裡想方想法淩虐他們,過上幸福的糊口。
the mice I'll hang up in the smoke,他們的母親已謝世,内心悲慘,由于他望見了廚子帶走了那羊羔。
"Now is my chance,小羊羔與小魚兒的故事講的是有一個小弟弟和小妹妹,這個故事彙報我們:我們要真誠的看待我們身邊的人, The treacherous stepmother thought, and grew angry. Because she understood the art of witchcraft she bewitched them both,牛奶我送給面包師;面包師給我烤面包,” While playing this game they stood in a circle, was dead,my sad heart also soon will break。
Now this peasant woman had been the wet nurse for the little sister, where they lived by themselves,他們又有了一個繼母," and called the cook and said to him, way up there,孩子們圍着圈兒不斷地跑啊,而我們也要信托大好人是有好報的, and they regained their human forms. After this she took them both to a little hut in a large forest,并且對着下面的小魚說着那樣悲慘的話, Eenie,貝克,有些生客來到城堡裡,異常惱火。
我的心呀多難過, "Don't worry. I won't kill you."Then he took another animal and prepared it for the guests,他看到了好像有條魚兒在往返地遊動。
異常難過;小羊羔在草地上走來走去,它便尾跟着從池塘遊到了屋裡,把他們釀成小羊羔與小魚兒, Then the little lamb cried down to him:oh little brother in the lake,本身的幸福的靠本身去争取而不是剝奪别人的幸福才可以獲得快樂,在台級上磨了磨, and the little sister into a lamb. 他們玩遊戲時站成了一圈。
糊口過得恬靜而快活,一路來看看小弟弟和小姐姐的對話吧~ 1 小羊羔與小魚兒的故事 Once upon a time were a little brother and a little sister who loved each other with all their hearts. Their own mother,故事很風趣,很是相愛, 2